First Things To Do In Your New Home

Get To Know Your Property

Stop cock for water: Usually under the sink. It’s important to know where this in case there is a water leak anywhere in the house.

Gas shut off valve: Usually near front door or in the ground floor front bedroom, sometimes they are in cupboards or under built in covers. If you ever think there is a gas leak then you’ll need to be able to close this valve. If this valve is in a bedroom which can be locked you’ll need to make arrangements for all tenants to be able to access this at all times in case of an emergency.

Electricity fuse board: Again, this is normally near the front of the property, similar to the gas shut off valve. This is used to re-set any tripped switches. As with the gas shut off valve, if the fuse board is in a bedroom which can be locked you’ll need to make sure all tenants can access this bedroom in case you need to re-set any fuses.

Burglar alarm: If there is a burglar alarm in your property you should have received a text message from us when you collected your keys advising you of the code. Most alarms are fairly straight forward to set, but if you need any help please contact your local office and we’ll be happy to show you how it works.

You should ensure that everyone knows where the above items are has access to them at all times and knows how to use them. If you need help then don’t be afraid to ask, we’ll be happy to help.

Check Your Meter Readings

Whether you have bills included or not, it’s important to know the meter readings when you move in.

If you have bills included it will be limited by a fair usage policy, so you’ll need your own record of the readings. Take a photo for future reference.

Normally you will have a meter for gas, electricity and sometimes water. If you struggle to find the meters, they will be listed on your inventory.

Set Up Your Utilities

If you don’t have bills included, you’ll need to set up your utilities. You shouldn’t wait until you move into your home full time later in the summer as the utility companies will put you on the highest tariffs unless you set up an account with them straight away. 

Use the links below to find out who your supplier is and contact them online or over the phone to set up an account, using the meter readings you’ve taken.

You can change energy providers (provided you don’t enter into a fixed contract), only if there is not a debt on the existing accounts so it’s best to contact the current supplier, give them your details and tell them that you’re choosing to use a different supplier. 

WATER: In Birmingham and Nottingham your water supplier is Severn Trent ( In Bristol your water supplier is Bristol Water (

ELECTRICITY: Visit and click the ‘Find my Supplier’ button in the blue square.

GAS: Either visit or call 0870 6081 524 and answer the questions to find out who your supplier is. 

Set Up Your Council Tax

Even if you are a student and your are exempt from paying council tax you need to register with the local authority. If you are exempt, you can make an application. Find out more later in the eHandbook.

It is a requirement of your tenancy agreement that you provide evidence to Purple Frog or your landlord that you have dealt with the council tax liability at the property. If you wait until the end of your tenancy it will delay the return of your deposit.

Check and Return Your Inventory

Within the first week or so we will provide you with an inventory which details the condition of the property and it’s contents; it is very important that you check this thoroughly and return it to us as it will be compared against an inspection at the end of your tenancy.

If for any reason there is anything you don’t agree with on the inventory then write this on in pen or reply to our email and we will review it.


Although your property has been inspected, if you feel that anything in your house is not clean enough when you move in then please let us know immediately and we’ll be happy to send cleaners round. Please note that if you clean anything yourself you will still need to leave it in a clean state at the end of your tenancy.


Make sure you have any post redirected to your new address – see for further details on this.

Please re-post any letters that you may get through your door for previous tenants crossing out the address and marking the envelope “no longer at this address”. If you receive any post for the landlord or Purple Frog you must forward this to our office or drop it in please.

Get Safe

Please make sure to read all the safety guides in our eHandbook to keep safe in your home.